Sunday, May 2, 2010

Comparing and Contrasting Artwork

I chose the artwork from Molly Smith and Billy Fry to compare and contast. I chose Molly's alien sculpture and I chose Billy's "self portait in 45 minutes". I found these two artworks very different. First Molly's was a very detailed sculpture from her imagination. Billy's was a loose drawing of him looking in a mirror drawling himself in 45 minutes. What I found similar to them was that they both were what each of them liked to do. Molly liked the fleshy looking objects and Billy liked the more non-fictional figures. I found them appealing because of the detail with making the two artworks. and the imagination.

1 comment:

  1. need pictures cory. also would like to know if you find these appealing and why... - evelyn davis, professor
